We provide knowledge to build better societies
Konsekvensberegninger af besparelser på uddannelsesaktivering ved brug af nye forskningsresultater
Et af de centrale omdrejningspunkter for Ekspertgruppen for Fremtidens Beskæftigelsesindsats anbefalinger er en væsentlig reduktion i omfanget … Read more
Vi er på udkig efter praktikanter til foråret 2025
Vil du være med til at præge samfundsudviklingen med viden og analyser? I HBS Economics arbejder vi for at skabe viden om og løsninger på de store … Read more
Samfundsvidenskabelige og erhvervsøkonomiske kandidaters værdiskabelse i den private sektor
HBS Economics har gennemført en analyse af udbredelsen af samfundsvidenskabelige og erhvervsøkonomiske kandidater på det danske arbejdsmarked og … Read more
Udsigter for privatfinansieret velfærd i Danmark - Udviklingen og dilemmaer for Danmark
På vegne af KL har HBS Economics gennemført en analyse af baggrunden for og udviklingen i privatfinansieret velfærd i Danmark, særligt med fokus … Read more
Økonomisk betydning af biodiversitet og anbefalinger til ejendomsbranchen
Vi står midt i en biodiversitetskrise. En fjerdedel af verdens vilde dyr og planter er i risiko for at uddø, og arter forsvinder mellem hundrede … Read more
Vi er på udkig efter en data science praktikant til foråret 2025
Vil du arbejde med data science på samfundsrelevante områder? Så er du måske vores nye kollega. Vi leverer dataanalyser, som giver viden der bruges … Read more
Our stated purpose is to be reliable. Thus, our work is always well documented and can withstand a critical review. Our conclusions are not made in advance and we keep our promises. And our clients appreciate this.
We have had a long and valuable collaboration with HBS Economics, who have a keen eye for combining economic analysis with political insight. The consultants at HBS Economics have a good business sense, are easy to work with and exhibit a formidable ability to deliver with a short turnaround time.
- Birgitte Bejder, Global Senior Public Affairs Advisor, ColoplastWe have collaborated with HBS Economics for a number of years and we have been very pleased to draw on their vast knowledge and solid experience in their field. We experience a collaboration characterised by professionalism, high professional quality and great flexibility in relation to the execution of tasks. In particular, we have appreciated their care in understanding our needs and contributing to the best possible solution within the given framework.
- Mikkel Holmbäck, CEO, Glad FondenHBS Economics has solved several tasks for a group of companies we are part of. Throughout the process, HBS Economics has been a very valuable partner who, in addition to a strong socio-economic expertise, has contributed insight into the political process at Slotsholmen and not to mention an ability to combine corporate wishes with the political reality. In other words, HBS Economics offers more than just socio-economic analyses.
- Ask Møller-Nielsen, Chief Of Staff, GrundfosIn their work for us, HBS Economics has shown solid socio-economic expertise and has an important focus on delivering a correct product. They have been very accommodating to our needs. We also appreciated their understanding of how problems are analysed at Slotsholmen, as well as their ability to conduct a good dialogue with relevant out of house experts. It gives us a lot of confidence in their work.
- Torsten Hasforth, Chief Economist, ConcitoWe very much appreciate our collaboration with HBS Economics. They are easy to work with and deliver with high quality and within short deadlines. In addition to their strong socio-economic expertise, they understand the political process and are able to communicate complicated stuff in a clear manner, without compromising relevant facts and other knowledge.
- Henrik Munch Jensen, CFO, Port of Aarhus (Aarhus Havn)