Do Newspapers and Magazines Compete?
This study maps the competition between newspapers and magazines in Denmark. Newspapers and magazines can potentially compete for two different but closely related customer groups, namely readers and advertisers. Main results The main conclusion of the study is that there … Read more
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Caring in Chaos – A Volunteer-delivered Parent Traning Program in Denmark
ADHD has significant negative consequences for the individuals affected as well as their families. However, training parents to understand and manage ADHD has been shown to reduce the negative effects. However, ongoing parental education is associated with significant costs. One … Read more
Denmark’s trade balance within knowledge
For a small open economy like the Danish one, international knowledge exchange is crucial for growth and prosperity. Based on a number of statistical indicators for knowledge exchange, this analysis sheds light on Denmark’s participation in the global knowledge society. … Read more
The need for digital skills in construction
The increasing digitalisation of society is also affecting the construction industry, and today many companies find it difficult to recruit the right digital skills. This is what our new analysis of the need for digital skills in construction shows. In … Read more
Indholdsproducenter i tal
Producentforeningen udarbejder årligt rapporten Danske Indholdsproducenter i tal, der kortlægger økonomien i dansk indholdsproduktion. Statistikken har til formål årligt at opgøre (i) antal virksomheder, (ii) omsætning og eksport og (iii) antal årsværk for virksomhederne i populationen fordelt på de fire … Read more
Danish companies in global value chains
Denmark and its economy are highly dependent on Danish companies having access to the global market. This is illustrated by our new analysis of Danish companies’ exposure to global uncertainty, which we have done in collaboration with the Danish Business … Read more
The job market for IT security in Denmark
The demand for information security skills in the Danish labour market has tripled over the past decade. Demand has increased, both when measured in absolute and relative terms in relation to the total demand for labour. The rising trend is … Read more
The Danish digital visual industry
The digital visual industry is an emerging core strength in Denmark. The industry employs around 5,000 people in Denmark. Film and TV are the largest segments and together account for just over half of the employment. In money terms, the … Read more
Literature review on the effects in relation to retirement
This study provides an overview of the latest and most relevant knowledge on what influences the decision to retire among the elderly. The report is based on a review of 111 empirical studies from OECD countries, the vast majority of … Read more