Vocational training and further education for the field of refrigeration technology are today at the Technical College of Jutland in Hadsten. The school as well as the course are highly specialised and characterised by a high degree of certifications. The use of refrigeration plants is growing in use and complexity. As a result, demand for skilled labour is increasing in many parts of the country.
This analysis examines whether training courses should be offered elsewhere in Denmark and, if so, to what extent and in what areas. The project has been prepared for the Educational Secretariat for Industry
Main results
The analysis shows an increasing demand for refrigeration engineers and servicemen in the period following the international financial crisis. However, the demand to a large extent follows the general demand in the labour market, and thus the proportion of all job postings relating to refrigeration engineers and servicemen is fairly constant during the period. Demand is increasing particularly in the Zealand region.
There are approx. 4,100 persons who are trained or certified in refrigeration and/or employed in a refrigeration engineering position. A large portion of the more than 500 refrigeration engineers and almost 2,300 refrigeration servicemen, who do not have the job title “air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics”, are employed as plumbers, electricians, technicians, mechanics or assembly workers. Among more than 1,300 persons, who have the job title “air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics”, almost every fifth have a degree as a refrigeration engineer, and almost every fifth are certified as a refrigeration servicemen via labour market training courses, while more than 60% works without specialised education. Among those employed within refrigeration technology, who have a degree as a refrigeration engineer, 43% also have a certificate as a refrigeration serviceman.
Interviews support the need for further educational opportunities within the field of refrigeration technology, especially in Zealand.
The study is commissioned by Industriens Uddannelser.
Højbjerre Brauer Schultz (2016): "Analyse af det køletekniske område"