High school teachers (upper secondary school teachers) in Denmark face a multitude of new challenges. According to demographic projections the number of young adults aged 16 to 19 will fall significantly in most parts of the country in the coming years. Specifically, in 2030 there will be 25,000 fewer people in this age group than today, which presumably reduces the number of students in high schools. Furthermore, Danish high schools have been subject to yearly retrenchments of about 2 percent from 2016-2019.
It is therefore becoming increasingly more difficult for high school teachers to find work within their field. Together with The Danish National Union of Upper Secondary School Teachers (Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening, GL), we have analyzed the career changes that high school teachers have made historically. Thus, this report is intended to provide inspiration and guidance to members of GL who wish to make a career change.
The study is commissioned by Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening.
Learn more about the study
HBS Economics (2021): "Analyse af gymnasielæreres sporskifter"