New company name and logo

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We are pleased to announce that we are changing our name to HBS Economics.

Since we started Højbjerre Brauer Schultz in 2015, a lot has happened.

Today we have about 20 employees in our office in Ny Kongensgade, and we help both Danish and international customers. We are proud to have reached this point.

But we have also reached a point where we have grown from our original name and logo. That’s why we’ve got a new name and logo.

And the choice of name was right up your alley. Our domain name has been HBS Economics from the beginning, and many of our clients already call us HBS or HBS Economics.

At the same time, our new name is a clear expression of our ambition to act internationally and a natural next step towards making the company more independent of the three founding partners.

Our clients will not notice a difference. We will continue to work hard to provide good advice and solid analyzes and remain the most credible economics firm in the Nordic region.