ADHD has significant negative consequences for the individuals affected as well as their families. However, training parents to understand and manage ADHD has been shown to reduce the negative effects. However, ongoing parental education is associated with significant costs. One way to reduce these costs is by using volunteer trainers. This analysis evaluates the cost-effectiveness of Caring in Chaos, which is a parent training program for parents with ADHD children where it is volunteers who are the trainers.
Main results
The analyses show that Caring in Chaos is as effective as similar programs while the recurrent costs associated with the program are substantially lower than that of (other) similar programs. Although a direct comparison with similar programs is difficult due to different outcome measures being used typically, the analysis suggests that Caring in Chaos can be a cost-effective alternative to validated parental training programs such as Triple P and the Incredible Years.
Højbjerre Brauer Schultz og SFI (2016): "Do Volunteers Reduce the Costs of Parent Training Programs? A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Caring in Chaos".