Most companies use electronic job postings as a channel for recruiting new employees. Thus, many thousands of new job postings come in each month, containing valuable knowledge of the actual demand of companies – a knowledge that traditional analyses of the need for labour do not utilise.
In collaboration with STAR, Højbjerre Brauer Schultz has developed a completely new method that can extract data from all electronic job postings in Denmark. This allows targeted surveys of specific job postings to be sent to the person who is the contact person in the job advert. Thus, the method follows the individual job posting, rather than one person having to answer concerning the company’s general labour needs.
It has several advantages:
- More true and fair responses. For example, at large workplaces such as hospitals or large companies, a single person does not know about all attempts at recruitment within the company.
- More precise responses. The survey asks for specific positions such as “nurse anesthetist” rather than just “nurse”, which is why the analysis can report very accurately.
- More targeted data collection. Only companies that have had a recruitment need are contacted, which provides more useful responses.
- The new method is used in the Danish Ministry of Employment’s analyses of the recruitment situation in the Danish labour market, which is included in the Labour Market Balance. Read the analysis here.
If you are interested in hearing more about the new method and how it is used in other contexts, please contact partner Andreas Højbjerre, cand.polit. on 2021 3953 or